Eskisehir Elektro Market



О Нас

В 06/2018 в Хас Плаза была основана промышленная зона Eskisehir emko в Турции. Мы стремимся стать профессиональным партнером по решениям в области закупок с нашими сотрудниками с 12-летним опытом работы на основе турецких электрических материалов и проектов.

Мы делаем разницу с тем, как мы работаем!

First, we listen to you and offer the right product or solution that your business needs at an affordable cost. We are aware that your time is valuable, and we prevent unnecessary waste of time by performing the offer / supply process at the time we promise. We don't distinguish between big and small jobs. We know that success is the recommendation of our satisfied customers, not the number of jobs done, but the result of the work done properly.

Our Vision

To be the leading electronics company that shapes customer expectations and is proud. To maintain leadership in our field of activity in accordance with commercial ethics and human values. Our main goal is to make the most accurate determination about the needs and expectations of our customers and to meet them with timely and quality service. We aim to provide disciplined, honest, fast and high quality service, and we display maximum effort and work to maximize the satisfaction of our customers.

Our Mission

To increase the quality of life by offering products and services that best suit the technological needs of the industry. With the awareness that quality is the greatest value for the consumer, our company aims to fulfill its duty and mission with superior efforts and efforts to reflect the quality to the consumer. With this aim, the biggest mission of our company is the happy customer profile before and after sales. Eskişehir Electro Market, which sets out with the principle of providing the most suitable and high quality solutions to its customers, closely follows the technological developments in the sector and applies it within its structure. Eskişehir Electro Market makes a difference with its expert personnel and equipment. Company mission is to use resources in the most efficient and effective way; To be a solution partner known for the importance it attaches to quality, people and the environment.